Houari Boumedienne Agricultural...
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Houari Boumedienne Agricultural Village | Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura
Houari Boumedienne Agricultural Village | Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura
Houari Boumedienne Agricultural Village | Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura
Houari Boumedienne Agricultural Village | Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura
Year: 1980
Location: Abadla, Argelia
Client: Ministry of Housing, Government of Algeria
Total area: 36,000 (sqm)

The special interested of RBTA in the urban planning problems of the developing countries, and the experience they had gained in the construction of housing developments was called on by the Algerian government, through the agency of France, to be applied to the construction of new centers of population in semi-desert areas where agriculture was to be promoted.

Their work culminated two years later with the construction of Houari Boumédienne Agricultural Village in the south-eastern part of the country. However the unsophisticated construction techniques and the absence of a professionally trained workforce prevented the completion of part of the project.

The composition...

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Houari Boumedienne Agricultural Village
More than 10 years after Algeria gained independence, President Houari Boumediene launched a project to construct 1000 agricultural socialist villages. The construction of these villages was to improve the precarious living...
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Houari Boumedienne Agricultural Village



Houari Boumedienne Agricultural Village
More than 10 years after Algeria gained independence, President Houari Boumediene launched a project to construct 1000 agricultural socialist villages. The construction of these villages was to improve the precarious living...